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Sutherland Named Managed Service Provider (MSP) for Google Cloud Platform

Sutherland was named a managed service provider for the Google Cloud Platform (GCP.) Read more about the partnership here.

AUGUST 28, 2018

Recently, Sutherland and Google Cloud announced a partnership in which Sutherland was named a Managed Service Provider for the Google Cloud Platform (GCP). As an official partner, Sutherland will leverage its expertise in end-to-end process transformation in innovative new ways for our clients via the high-performance cloud.

At the core of this strategic partnership between Sutherland and Google is a shared commitment to solve long-standing customer challenges for our clients. In part one of a four-part series, we’ll address these key challenges while also outlining proposed solutions.

1. Need for New Infrastructure to Keep Up with Competitors

Nobody wants to be “Ubered,” out-teched, or otherwise left behind by the new generation of born-in-the-cloud competitors that leverage big data, analytics, machine learning, social media, mobility, and high-performance cloud to penetrate and dominate markets in record time.

Traditional corporate organizational structures and legacy IT infrastructures are simply too slow and inflexible to keep up. Legacy infrastructure and waterfall development slow cycle times for delivering features, and legacy applications are unable to effectively manage, analyze, and monetize the massive volumes of data generated by technologies like cloud, big data, and IoT.

Through this partnership, our users can now leverage the cloud to keep up with the competition without undergoing massive organizational, structural, or cultural change. But the help of an expert managed service provider is essential.

“Sutherland and Google share a customer-centric approach to business and a commitment to transparency and fairness,” Sutherland Associate Vice President Navaneethan Thirumurthy explained. “GCP brings a lot of open source, easy to implement technologies to users and does so in a big way, which provides tremendous benefits for our customers. On the Sutherland side, we are laser-focused on process transformation and customer success,” he added. “The combined solution from Sutherland and Google Cloud brings a domain-centric scalable technology platform at the lowest total cost of ownership to Sutherland customers.”


The Sutherland and Google Cloud Partnership

2. Challenges Meeting Customer Expectations

In today’s increasingly fast-paced world, customer expectations change overnight, and customer loyalty is always at risk of a short lifespan. One defective product or one missed delivery date can easily create an angry customer, and one angry customer can diminish a brand’s reputation from one complaint on social media alone. 

The key to retaining customers and converting them to evangelists? Maintain transparent, ongoing dialogue. What’s more? To be effective, the dialogue must be executed in the context of a highly personalized omni-channel customer experience, with a curated selection of products and a variety of delivery options and integrations. 

“Collaborating with Sutherland can help GCP customers rapidly respond to evolving market needs, elevate their customers experience, and create new value for their business,” Zoltan Szabadi, Head of MSP Partners at Google Cloud, pointed out when explaining the importance of the customer experience and Sutherland’s capacity to support this business challenge for its clients.

3. Lack of IT Staff Vision and/or Talent

The third and final pain point is a resource challenge. For many businesses, IT teams lack the necessary strategic vision and technical proficiency to successfully re-architect their organizational structure to ensure they remain competitive in today’s digitally-enabled marketplace.

Legacy IT infrastructures need to be modernized to support technologies like containers and microservices, both of which are critical to business agility. To successfully navigate the gap between legacy and cloud native means ensuring your business is equipped with IT leadership of a certain skillset. More specifically, when it comes to IT, businesses must maintain a born-in-the-cloud mindset that supports a vision to re-architect their systems and processes using methodologies like Agile, DevOps, and continuous integration / continuous delivery (CI/CD).

Driving adoption is often difficult and cumbersome, as existing IT staff often resist the change in operations and approach. What’s more? Finding the appropriately skilled employee – an expert trained in emerging technologies like containers, cloud, AI, - are difficult to find, with those who maintain expert level knowledge in emerging technology as well as vertical market experience even more rare.

The Sutherland and Google Cloud Partnership

In joining Google Cloud’s MSP partners, however, Sutherland brings expertise and professional services specialization to the forefront of all its customer challenges. Leveraging machine learning and AI applications, along with domain and design experience, Sutherland expands its ability to transform legacy IT into innovative solutions for high impact results.

“Sutherland brings deep domain expertise – 33 years of experience working very deeply on solutions where we have deep experience with retail, healthcare, and a number of other industry verticals,” Sutherland’s Chief Business Development Officer DC Wright explained. “Bringing this domain expertise on top of the horizontal platform that Google Cloud brings to bear is a wonderful thing, and one that the market really needs. The buyer in the market needs to solve a broad problem and technology is only part of the equation. They need both parts of the whole of this partnership.”

Both existing and future GCP customers can now turn to Sutherland for help in managing unique client experiences to deliver outstanding outcomes. Leveraging the Google Cloud Platform, Sutherland helps customers collect and analyze large volumes of data, turning insights into deliverables and streamlining output for larger workloads. Moreover, from retail, healthcare, financial services, and gaming, Sutherland’s expertise across all major vertical industries brings a competitive edge to GCP clients of all shapes and sizes.

Together, the Google Cloud and Sutherland collaboration helps you rapidly respond to evolving market needs, elevate your customer experience, and create new value so that you can become a leader in your market by helping your customers succeed.

Click here to learn more about the Sutherland and Google Cloud partnership.

Google Cloud

Grow Revenue. Increase Loyalty. Improve Adoption.

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