Delve into key strategies for AWS migration, traversing WKC’s journey, real-world challenges, and innovative solutions with industry experts. Get insights on how the phased approach, shift left automation, and other collaborative efforts propelled WKC’s successful migration while enhancing their scalability and cost efficiency.
Workload migration to AWS Cloud can enhance and optimize your operational and security environments. But we often spend too much time deciding when and how to tackle migration due to the risk of potential business disruptions. Our experts discuss the phased journey of modernization and migration of Oracle EBS to AWS for our customer – World Kinect Corporation (WKC). Get insights into how they collaborated to turn challenges into opportunities and modernized their IT ecosystem while enhancing its scalability and cost-efficiency.
Get access to this on-demand webinar where experts dive into:
- The phased migration strategy that alleviated risks and complexities
- How to ensure business continuity while optimizing network, computing, and storage solutions
- How collaborations forged a successful AWS implementation
- How performance automation and shift left strategy empowered such a large-scale transformation
- How organizations can overcome financial constraints and optimize their AWS migration budgets
If you have any questions on the webinar, feel free to reach out to us at contact us.
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