5 Factors Driving Customer Experience Transformation

Written by: Bharat Chadda

5 Factors Driving Customer Experience Transformation

Customers today expect omnichannel experiences. They want customer service, support and sales teams to understand their relationship with the company and know their history.  While deploying omnichannel goes a long way in eliminating customer experience failures, omnichannel by itself does not transform a company’s customer experience.

Here are five factors driving true customer experience transformation.

1. Omnichannel CX is table stakes – and so is the technology that enables it.

Many companies lack omnichannel CX capabilities, and the underlying technology that enables it.  This acts as a barrier to transformation.  The data, integration, and support continuity provided by an omnichannel platform that consolidates all digital channels of the company is the foundation for putting together a transformative digital customer experience strategy.

2. Rapid transformation while avoiding extensive CapEx is critical. 

Companies that want to deploy customer transformation technology do not have years to build the solution.  They need to consider solution providers who can accelerate the transformation process with cloud-based, scalable solutions. This includes flexible ‘pay -as-you-go’ operating expense (OpEx) models that do not need high upfront capital investments.

3. Companies need to optimize the value of existing investments.

Most organizations have made significant investments into their customer experiences strategy.  These include technology investments, like CRM systems. They may have separate technology providers for different channels, such as chat and social. Many companies even have multiple providers for their contact center support operations. All of this drives the need for an interoperable CX platform that interacts with existing technologies and support providers. Otherwise, perfectly good past investment would be wasted.

4. Actionable insights elevate experiences. 

Companies often lack critical data and insights to drive engagement strategies –  and their current technology ecosystem drives this disparity. A company with omnichannel capabilities will know exactly when and how many times a customer has reached out to them for an issue.  However, if the support agent does not have insights into the root cause, it’s possible the customer’s problem will not be solved.  Organizations need the right analytics and machine learning capabilities to analyze the information coming in, providing insights that solve the customers problem in real time. For true CX transformation, companies  need to go beyond omnichannel to implementing an insights-driven customer engagement approach.

5. True CX transformation involves integration across front-end and back-end business systems.

Some may still consider omnichannel—and providing a 360-degree view of the customer by integrating front-end systems—to be all that’s required. However, to really understand today’s consumer, companies need customer insights from automation and analytics that accesses data residing across all the underlying systems.  This is not something that’s easily available from many cloud-based omnichannel engagement providers. That’s because multiple permissions are needed. As companies look to implement their customer experience strategy, they need more than just a third-party systems integrator.  They need an end-to-end partner that can help design, build, operate and enhance their CX. They need a partner that can provide design and consulting support with the right technology solutions, deep process knowledge and optimized engagement models.

Want to explore how you can achieve true customer experience transformation? We’d love to talk.

Enhance CX. Drive Growth and Reduce Costs.

Bharat Chadda
Bharat Chadda
SVP & Global Head- Sales EnablementLinkedIn Icon

Bharat is a business transformation leader passionate about identifying, innovating and solutioning to transform clients’ business towards a truly digital business model.

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