CloudTestr at Oracle CloudWorld 2023

Automate HCM and ERP testing in less than 4 weeks and save 80% of the time and cost.

CloudTestr OCW Inline 1

Meet us there!

When: September 18-21, 2023 
Where: Las Vegas
Booth: 158 

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Adopt New Releases with No-touch Automation

As a proud OCW 2023 sponsor, CloudTestr is delighted to be back at Oracle’s flagship conference, showcasing our next-generation test automation platform for Oracle users. 

Join us at the event to learn how Oracle Cloud customers automate HCM and ERP testing in less than 4 weeks and Save 80% of the time and cost. 

Discover first-hand about how CloudTestr can free up key personnel for business-critical tasks, speed new feature adoption, improve data security, and provide real time audit support. 

CloudTestr OCW Inline 2

Visit Our Booth for On-Demand Demos



CloudTestr is a next-generation test automation platform – enabling simplified test cycle management, automation and execution. Equipped with pre-built test libraries, it streamlines testing for enterprise, packaged, and custom-built applications. The auto-scaling, no-code approach, and parallel testing capabilities reduce testing cycles from weeks to hours. 

Visit our Booth for on-demand demos and discover how you can leverage CloudTestr to achieve below benefits: 

  • 100% Test coverage defect-free release 
  • 4X faster release validation 
  • 55% Reduction in Cost of Quality 
  • 2X Increased speed of new feature adoption 

Dive Deeper

Book a meeting with us at OCW 2023

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