Intelligent Automation: Human-Like Tech Reinventing Ops and CX

Intelligent Process Automation brings together AI, machine learning and other cognitive tech to mimic the human capabilities that drive cost-effective operations and better CX.

Intelligent Automation

Realize Better Business Outcomes with IPA

Banwari Agarwal
Banwari Agarwal
CEO of Banking, Financial Services, Insurance, Digital Business Services, BPaaS, Retail, and Travel and Logistics PracticesLinkedIn Icon

Banwari Agarwal is the CEO of Banking, Insurance, Retail, Manufacturing, Travel, and Logistics at Sutherland. Banwari brings deep expertise in digital technologies and operations and over 25 years of leadership experience across the US, Europe, and APAC. His strategic vision has driven transformative outcomes in digital business services across multiple industries, delivering innovative, cutting-edge solutions in finance, HR, procurement, and supply chain management.

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