Sutherland Helps Leading Social Media Platform Scale Content Moderation and Improve User Safety

Learn how Sutherland leverages next-gen technology and its human-centric approach to deliver enhanced platform safety for global social networking giant.

Sutherland Helps Leading Social Media Platform Scale Content Moderation and Improve User Safety

The Challenge

Providing Timely Moderation of Egregious Content

For social media companies, ensuring user safety is a top priority. And given that our client’s platform facilitated visual-media intensive interactions online, user safety was an issue they were very serious about.

However, with exponential growth in uploaded content volume, they saw a huge increase in content-related complaints globally, ranging from harassment and attempts at impersonation to violent, disturbing or sexual content. The platform struggled to optimize their content moderation processes as well as provide timely resolutions to user-reported complaints.

They needed a partner with proven expertise in content moderation to help them reimagine their practices at scale, while prioritizing employee wellness.

The Outcome

Protecting Users’ Safety and Content Guardians’ Wellness

Throughout the partnership with this client, Sutherland focused on keeping the client’s platform safe from offensive content. By leveraging our advanced products, platforms, and next-gen technology, we upgraded and optimized their content moderation practices.

We implemented a robust framework for recruitment and onboarding of agents. Our award-winning gamification-based learning platform was utilized to host training to account for cultural nuances and unconscious bias as well as change management practices. We continue to deliver operational improvements to this framework via identification of trends, continuous tool training, and coaching. Our successful transformation efforts resulted in an expansion of our engagement into managing their appeals process.

With our guardians at the heart of content moderation, their well-being is a high priority. Our wellness program, which we call ‘The Guardian for Our Guardians’, mitigates the psychological effects of harmful content on human moderators. We combined multiple modalities such as dedicated psychologist support, wellness app, a partnership with a leading global wellness firm, and our proprietary, pre-emptive Happiness Index, to empower guardian well-being. The results – high e-SAT levels despite the harmful content they continuously dealt with.

This combination of happier employees and optimal operational practices delivered measurable results consistently. The moderation policy enforcement quality control target, set at 98%, was exceeded frequently. Additionally, the turnaround time for user-reported complaints was reduced significantly. Through their engagement with Sutherland, this client unlocked new possibilities and transformative outcomes.

“We were able to leverage our proven expertise in content moderation to achieve measurable business results, all while prioritizing employee wellness. This resulted in the client extending our engagement after only six months, where we could continue to drive excellence for our client.”


Faster Resolution of User-Reported Cases


Content Moderation QA Target Exceeded


Appeals Handled Within 4 Months

Content Moderation Success With Sutherland

Content Services, Products x Platforms


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